Rollin Dix –
June 2013
Here is the INTRODUCTION to an 11 page paper summarizing plans and progress - please call me at 773-239-3514 if you want a copy.
This paper
describes the continued design, development and testing of a pedaling
attachment for wheelchairs “Pedalong” by Patpending Marketing,
Inc. The invention is intended to provide therapeutic exercise for
stroke, cerebral palsy, MS and other patients, and for the very
elderly, . Other possible applications are exercise in early
post-operative care and in hospital transport to and from physical
therapy. By providing propulsion for the seated user, the Pedalong
may promote more interesting and therefore more regular and
longer-continued exercise.
The result of our
eight-year effort, the Pedalong has a crank and pedals extending
forward (and retracting) from beneath the wheelchair on a
chain-carrying mast supported under the wheelchair. These pedals
propel the wheelchair while a steering handle at armrest height
steers it.
My colleague Dr.
David Brown's primary research interest is post-stroke
rehabilitation. This summer we plan for testing of current prototypes
at his Rehabilitation Science Program at the University of Alabama
and at the Lakeshore Rehabilitation Center, both in Birmingham.
This paper
contains a review of the need for therapeutic exercise equipment,
details of our plan for the coming year, a history of the project so
far, plans beyond the coming year, a review of the competition, and